Tuesday, 28 April 2009

First attempt at an Oval Mosaic Mirror...

I've been packing a mirror up tonight that a made on comission for a customer.  The design was taken from a round mirror I'd made - the lady emailed me to say she liked the design but wanted it in oval. This is my first attempt at making a mirror in this shape but I'm pleased with the results. 

I'm going to have a go at a few more I think - any suggestions on colours? I was thinking of using black, grey and white is a 'mosaic mix' design.  This colour scheme is popular anyway and I think it would look good in this shape. I could then use it as an example on my new website (coming soon...!) but state that it can be made in other colours?  Any votes on other colours?


  1. Looking good! No pun intended ;0) lol

  2. Very beautiful like all your mosaics!!!

    I have done a mirror mosaic too for my girls room. Check my blog, if you like: absolutelygirlythings.blogspot.com
